domingo, 26 de octubre de 2014

magnetic ring

In this blog you are going to read about a proyect i have made.

At the beginning of the year a new law was passed forcing magnetic rings to be installed in public places such as theaters, cinemas, municipalities, schools, etc. this is prometed by the INTI, INET and CONADIS. here i ad a video of  Rafael Kohanoff explaining the idea of the proyect.

    The proyect consist in transform an audio frequency in a magnetic field, this is called magnetic ring,  this is due to an electronic circuit which amplifies the audio signal and using a bovine (magnetic ring) generates a magnetic field that induces a bovine located in headphones hard of hearing people.

here you can see the amplifier circuit schematic, this circuit is very easy to do  and inexpensive to make, i spend 50 pesos to do it.

here you can see the plate of the circuit already finished

Here you can see how is compound a magnetic ring on the inside. Like you can see is very easy to make. This is a portable vercion